The Blog Has Moved
Hey friends! I’ve begun writing more about music tech, pro audio, and stuff like that, and built a site just for that purpose, I’ve moved my old blog posts over there. If you want to follow my musings and adventures, the new place to do it is—or, better yet, use the little newsletter signup form at the very bottom of this page. That gets you dog pics.
Out of a surfeit of caution (and entertaining myself), I’ve also purchased the domains and Both go to that same page.
See you on the internet,

Writing about music and other things by composer Nick Norton a phrase I borrowed from Amanda Palmer that she borrowed from Maria Popova. I really like what it means though. I put a lot into my work and want to share it with you for free. If you enjoy what I do and want to give me some help for my time and effort, THANK YOU. You can get me back using this little form: a phrase I borrowed from Amanda Palmer that she borrowed from Maria Popova. I really like what it means though. I put a lot into my work and want to share it with you for free. If you enjoy what I do and want to give me some help for my time and effort, THANK YOU. You can get me back using this little form: